Frequently asked questions
Yes, investments are now open! If you'd like to invest and become part of our journey, please visit our campaign page here..
If you're interested in donating instead, please check out our Paypal and Patreon pages. Donations are a gift and do not grant you shares or equity in the company nor can they be used as a pre-payment towards the purchase of a wind turbine.
First, please understand that we are an early stage development company in a SEED Funding round. That’s about as “Early Stage” as it gets. Most investors dream of finding that amazing early seed stage investment but somehow they hope to also get the security and exit options that come from investing in a well established public company. Early seed stage investing (ie: Harmony Turbines) often carries the most risk. But with great risk comes the potential for great reward. You always hear everyone say “Oh I would love to have invested in Microsoft while they were still in the garage, or Google when they were just a new startup,” well this could be the very same opportunity before you right now with Harmony Turbines.
As a new startup in the seed round, we do not yet have solid plans for Exit Options established. However, we believe that down the road there could be any of four exit options for our investors:
We are already receiving dozens of calls every month from much larger companies looking to partner with us or manufacture our products for us or distribute and sell our products for us. Why? Because there is a huge need for our product and the daily outcry is nearly palpable; it’s the huge gaping hole left by the poor options which currently exist in the residential wind marketplace today. As we move into a revenue-positive state we will certainly explore the option of paying dividends to our investors.
Secondary Trading
Sometime after 2024 we should have the option to enable secondary market trading of our stocks. If we decide to turn this on, investors would have the ability to trade our stock privately on the secondary market and sell their stocks directly on that platform.
Selling Harmony Turbines
We recognize that there may be a point where another company may be better equipped to handle mass production of our turbines. If we find that this is the case and that the company's mission is similar to ours, we at Harmony Turbines may opt to sell our company. At that point, the buyout terms would determine what happens with your stock, whether you keep them and continue with the new company or whether you choose to sell at that time, or some other unforeseen option.
Going Public
You never know, we could possibly go public down the road, at which time the IPO would allow you to trade your stock and achieve an exit from Harmony Turbines.
Exits aside, we want you to know that it is our goal that after a few years of hard work and extremely well-built products in the marketplace through low volume production, that we will have a very large following of loyal customers who are clamoring for more availability and better economies of scale that mass production of our turbines could bring. Our goal is to help create a “paradigm shift” in the marketplace where our amazing VAWT designs become the new standard in Wind Turbine applications, both big and small, around the world; safer, more beautiful, more efficient, less harmful to the environment, turbines that finally make sense!
Here are some great video interviews we did that will help you learn more about Harmony:
(NEW!) Two Bit da Vinci’s “This Could CHANGE Home Wind Energy Forever!” (Oct 2024)
Building HVAC Science’s “Reinventing Wind Power: Inside the World of Harmony Turbines” (Sept 2024)
Matt Ferrell’s “Wind Turbines for Homes - A New Approach” (Jan 2024)
Now You Know's "Harmony Turbines - The Perfect Small Scale Wind Turbine?" (Fall 2022)
We also encourage you to subscribe to our Newsletter and/or Youtube channel, we post here frequently so you can stay up to date with our progress.
I love talking about it because truly, we’re only just a few years away from mass-adoptions of systems like what I’m about to describe, popping up all over the world. If it happens, and we truly believe not only that it will, but that it MUST, then it will represent a tipping point, a paradigm shift if you will, in the way the world utilizes power. We will begin shifting from a centralized power model (our failing energy grid) to a DECENTRALIZED and sustainable model. It is what we truly believe needs to happen as quickly as possible around the world.
In this ideal setup, you can even stay connected to the grid (like a safety line) until you feel that you have things dialed in enough to be fully “off-grid”. Our ideal system consists of the below components on your home:
- Sufficient small-scale renewables such as wind (Harmony) and solar
- Sufficient on-site storage system with a LOT of recharge cycles before degradation occurs. Ideally 2 or 3 full days worth of storage
- Inverter system(s) capable of supplying peak demand for your home needs
- Utility Power -If you want a safety line initially
- A sufficiently sized dump load
- Smaller Backup generator.
It’s understandable that there’s a lot of confusion surrounding this topic. When you do an internet search for “wind turbine efficiencies,” 85% of the time you find this incorrect graph, showing Savonius turbines with the lowest ratings. This graph is wrong and has unfortunately been published for several decades. The magic of the internet makes people think just because they found a quick answer that it’s the RIGHT answer.
However, if you dig deeper, you’ll find that this was a “mistake” (maybe deliberately done?) made back in the 1950’s or 60’s in some key publications.* That mistake simply got propagated and multiplied on the internet.
Click this link to see the graphs and explanations of the discrepancies: Incorrect Graphs Savonius Design