
New Job Posting, Furling Controls and Assembling the Frame

New Job Posting, Furling Controls and Assembling the Frame

Hey everybody!  After months of having trouble keeping up with email, phone calls and social media inquiries, we're finally in a position to hire some much needed help.  To that end, we just posted an Administrative Assistant job!  Check it out here, and if you know anyone local to Lebanon, PA who might be a good fit, please have them check out our posting on All applications for this position must come through Indeed; so please, no emails or phone calls about this position.

We continue working hard on building our test units.  We've been working with Micah on some arduino coding that allows us to control the motor which will eventually open and close our scoops.  We have not yet installed the motor into the test unit, but we have confirmed that our motor controls now work with our base code!  Thank you Micah!

Cheryl teaching Nate how to "tool up" and measure tool lengths on our CNC machines for the next job:


Preparing some parts:


Below is the initial Frame Assembly that will support and hold Harmony's Scoop Array in place! Please keep in mind that this MVP prototype is very "overbuilt" and "over-engineered." As we proceed through iterative testing mass and weight will come down respectively as we zero in on our first production design. Even after initial launch we will continue to test and iteratively improve our design wherever it makes sense to do so.



More updates to come, so stay tuned!  And as always, thank you for your support!

-Chris & Cheryl

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