
Job Opening? What job opening?

Hey folks, remember how ~2 weeks ago we posted a job for an Electronics Engineer?  Well guess what? The job has been filled and our new Electronics Engineer Bryan, has already joined our team. It's just crazy that within a 3-week time period we were able to post a job, screen and interview viable candidates, make someone a job offer AND have them start! We're excited to introduce him to you in the very near future once he's settled in.

For those of you who regularly watch our videos, you'll probably remember how sometimes we've talked about "the universe" watching out for us and helping us along the way. Well this is yet another example of the synchronicity we experience continually here at Harmony Turbines. We have a need and suddenly the solution is there before us. The universe is definitely helping us as we strive every day, to make our world a better place.  We thought finding an Electronics Engineer would be a long and frustrating process but thankfully it was very fast in this case. Hiring as a start-up that's not in production yet can be very daunting, as it takes a special kind of person to willingly put themselves in a risky (albeit exciting) position here. So again Harmony Turbines welcomes Bryan as our new Electronics Engineer. Be sure to watch for our full update on him next week.

If you're interested in being part of our story, consider investing!

~The Harmony Turbines Team

To learn more about us, please visit these links: 

What Makes Harmony Unique:

Undecided with Matt Ferrell (Jan 2024):

Still TBD Podcast (Jan 2024):

Pitch Deck:


*This Reg CF offering is made available through StartEngine Capital, LLC. This investment is speculative, illiquid, and involves a high degree of risk, including the possible loss of your entire investment.

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