
How fast can our turbine scoops close / furl?

How fast can our turbine scoops close / furl?

We're often asked how fast our turbine scoops furl.  What better way to answer this question than with a video! Watch as we time the process for you -- we're showing you unedited, real-time raw footage of the turbine furling from fully open to fully closed in in this clip.  

So 30 seconds... not bad. Now keep in mind that we're still testing and things could change but as of right now this is a good speed for our units. As with any geared application you sacrifice speed for power. After some testing we might find that we need to go with larger gears which would slow things down more but that remains to be seen. For now this is a good starting point for our furling systems. Several improvements were made in our most recent MK-3 prototype that allows for this elegant, simple and smooth furling operation above what our MK-2 units did.

The question about timing comes from a concern / misconception that our furling could take too long in suddenly windy weather and that the turbine wouldn't be able to effectively protect itself.  Let's take a deeper dive into this. While 30 seconds seems like a long time, please remember that this is to FULLY close which is not a normal operating procedure. When winds kick up, Harmony closes a little and re-tests to see if RPMs are back in an acceptable range. It continually monitors RPMs and adjusts the furling state as needed. The only time it should ever be fully closed is if the owner commands a shut-down for something like maintenance. During normal operation Harmony should always be open and producing power with occasional instances where it is furled (partially closed) during high wind situations.

These micro-adjustments will be quick, as you can see in the video, taking only a few seconds to adjust to the correct furling state.  So yes, we believe Harmony's furling system will be quick enough to react and adjust to varying wind activity, allowing it to spin at a safe RPM rate while still producing maximum power. We’re excited to move into our Alpha testing soon, where we’ll be able to see the furling in action in live unpredictable weather situations. 

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~The Harmony Turbines Team

To learn more about us, please visit these links: 

What Makes Harmony Unique:

Undecided with Matt Ferrell (Jan 2024):

Still TBD Podcast (Jan 2024):

Pitch Deck:

*This Reg CF offering is made available through StartEngine Capital, LLC. This investment is speculative, illiquid, and involves a high degree of risk, including the possible loss of your entire investment.


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